פרופסור חיים זנדברג

Articles (English)
Haim Sandberg Three Dimensional Division and Registration of Title to Land - Legal Aspects in Registration of properties in strata International Workshop on 3D Cadastres - Proceeding 201 (P.J.M. van Oosterom J.E.Stoter & E.M.Fendel University of Technology in Delft Netherlands 2001)
Haim Sandberg Book Review: Ronen Shamir The Colonies of Law: Colonialism Zionism and Law in Early Mandate Palestine 22 The Journal of Israeli History 121 (2003)
Haim Sandberg Land Title Settlement in Jerusalem - Legal Aspects 23 The Journal of Israeli History 216-231 (2004)
Haim Sandberg Three-Dimensional Partition and Registration of Subsurface Space 37 Israel Law Review 119-167 (2004)
Haim Sandberg Where do Your Pennies Go? Disclosing Commissions for Charitable Fundraising 8(4) The International Journal of Not-for-Profit Law 4-20 (August 2006)
Haim Sandberg E-Land Conveyancing and Registration – Vision and Risks in Proceedings of FIG working week TS 2A – Land Tenure (Eilat 2009)
Haim Sandberg Legal Colonialism - Americanization of Legal Education in Israel 10(2) Global Jurist 1-24 (March 2010)
Haim Sandberg Real Estate E-Conveyancing: Vision and Risks 19 Information & Communications Technology Law 101-114 (2010)
Haim Sandberg Land Expropriations of Private Arab Land in Israel - An Empirical Analysis of the Regular Course of Business 43 Israel Law Review 590-610 (2010)
Haim Sandberg & Adam Hofri-Winogradow Arab Israeli Women's Renunciation of their Inheritance Shares – A Challenge for Israel's Courts 8.2 International Journal of Law in Context 253-267 (2012)
Haim Sandberg What Happens when the Judiciary Switches Roles with the Legislator? An Innovative Israeli Version of a Mixed Jurisdiction European Journal of Comparative Law and Governance 1-21 (2013). Available also at 15(3) Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal (2012)
Haim Sandberg Strategic Considerations behind Normative Explanations – Lessons From Israel's Supreme Court Takings Case 11 International Journal of Constitutional Law 751-770 (2013)
Haim Sandberg Normative Justifications v. Covert Strategic Considerations: a rejoinder to Barak Medina 11 International Journal of Constitutional Law 779-782 (2013).
Haim Sandberg The Politics of "Over-Victimization"- Palestinian Proprietary Claims in the Service of Political Goals 19 Israel Affairs 488-504 (2013)
Haim Sandberg From JNF to Viva Palestina – UK Policy towards Zionist and Palestinian Charities 22 Trust & Trustees 195-204 (2016)
Haim Sandberg & Haya Sandberg Dilemmas of Civil Tribunals in Formulating their Positions towards Religious Tribunals –The Case of Custody of Muslim Children 3 Journal of Law Religion and State 214-253 (2017.
Haim Sandberg Kinship and Commons: the Bedouin Experience in The Cambridge Handbook of Commons Research Innovations (Sheila Foster & Chrystie Swiney eds. CUP 2021)
Haim Sandberg, What Is Legal Innovation?, 2021 U. Ill. L. Rev. Online 63 (Mar. 17, 2021)
Haim Sandberg, The Struggle for the Independence of the Judiciary in the Palestinian Authority, JUDICIAL INDEPENDENCE: CORNERSTONE OF DEMOCRACY (Shimon Shetreet & Hiram Chodosh eds., Brill, forthcoming)